Your Team for Highly Complex and Technical Projects. ABOUT US SLCC intertwines the use of technology, teaming, solid building practices with old world values to deliver successful projects every time.
Your Team for Highly Complex and Technical Projects OUR VALUES Ethics, Integrity, Quality, Innovation and Family are the values that guide every decision we make.

We love a challenge

SLCC combines cutting-edge technology with old-world values to lead strong teams who deliver great projects. We provide a full range of services from Pre-Construction Services, Conceptual Estimating, Planning & Programming, Move Management, Contract Management, Cost Control, and Construction Management.

We believe the key to any successful project is communication. Technical projects can be made simple by teams of highly specialized professionals–the challenge is always in communication.

Challenges in complex projects are inevitable, and the team must be able to identify, address, and mitigate them. But many of the issues in construction come from failures in day-to-day coordination resulting in a huge loss of efficiency and often mistakes in the work.

SLCC builds great teams through strong leadership and clear, authentic communication, enabling us to deliver highly complex projects ranging from data centers to renovating active operating room suites, all of which are done without any impact on business continuity or patient safety. We ask the hard questions and do our analysis before a work effort, not after an incident. We know you only have one chance to do it right.

DBIA Certified





Healthcare Constructors


We believe in the power of interpersonal communication. In a time when technology is advancing more rapidly than most can manage, we strive to build strong and lasting relationships with our employees, clients, designers, and the contractor community, because we believe trust-based relationships are much more powerful and efficient than any form of technology.


We strive to be the go-to partner for our clients and to be the first thought they have when they need to grow and improve their business. We strive to elevate the perception of construction projects from challenges to opportunities, delivering projects safely and successfully.


Our values are ethics, integrity, quality, innovation, and family. We work every day to project these values into our industry by developing strong teams working according to these principles. We deliver some of the most logistically complex projects in some of the most critical facilities in existence, and we are able to do so by building a team of thriving, rewarded people who are able to achieve a balance professionally and personally and bring their best selves to work every day to deliver our projects.




Projects are made or broken based on the level of detail, investigation, and thought put into the project planning.

Conceptual Estimating

Conceptual Estimating

Project costs are better known upfront rather than during the construction effort. We can help you get it right up front.

Move Management

Move Management

Ensure a seamless transition during relocations, overseeing logistics, coordination, and execution for a hassle-free move.

Contract Management/Cost Control

Contract Management/Cost Control

We enable effective project oversight, ensuring adherence to budgets, optimizing resources, and mitigating financial risks.

FF&E Management

FF&E Management

Streamline the procurement, installation, and coordination of furniture, fixtures, and equipment, ensuring a seamless integration within your construction project.

Construction Management

Construction Management

We utilize our vast construction and CM experience to protect our client's best interests by helping the contractors deliver a successful project.

Looking for someone to partner with and help you build your business?


(714) 423-6341

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